Abstract: India is rapidly advancing in the technological space. With the
growing population and increasing Smartphone penetration, India is going mobile
and digital. Smartphone and internet is not just for the rich and wealthy but
more users are becoming informed by getting access of mobile internet.
E-governance is trying its level best to provide e-government services to
citizens. But still there is need to reach these services to individual at
their doorstep. So the looking at the
current mobile age there is need for transforming E-governance services to
M-Governance ,which promise to bring the “anywhere-anytime-anybody”
e-government service vision one step closer. This paper presents an current
scenario of mobile usage and Smartphone penetration in India. Information on
the current M-Government services and
Which e- government services can be transformed to M-Government for a powerful and transformational capacity to
extend access to existing services, to expand the delivery of new services, to
increase active citizen participation in government operations and to change the
way of working within the public sector.
Keywords: E-Government, Mobile government, G2C, G2E,